Monday, November 30, 2015

The Beginning of the End.

FIRST POST, Numero uno, Ichiban, etc!!!  The idea of my blog is to detail my excruciatingly painful, disappointing, and hopeful quest to quit my day job and become a full time writer. Here are three things you should know about me going forward:

#1 - I am a dentist. Yes, I cause people pain, and yes people hate to come see me...but...I love my job. I love helping people, and I love getting a living doing what I'm doing. BUT...

#2 - I am a passionate aspiring writer. While I have no degrees, no claim to fame, and no published work apart from a few articles I've written, I know with the proper drive anything is possible. Even making my way through the frenzy of agent sharks and publishers to see my book come to life.

#3 - My new unpublished novel is called I am Unbroken, and it is part 1 of a trilogy, called The Otherworld Series. To put it in one horribly long run-on sentence with improper use of commas...It is about a sixteen-year-old loner, who wants his life to be different (mirroring myself), but finds himself touched by death one day, and suddenly becomes engrossed in the Otherworld, the home for spirits, where he meets Alina (his guardian angel) and immediately is drawn to her as he seeks for a different life, only to find he has a very special inheritance being the only thing keeping a horribly sadistic spirit type person from wreaking havoc on the mortal world. (Deep breath).

I hope to update you on my progress, and since I am midway into the attempting to get an agent phase, (at least I hope I'm midway which means I should get an agent soon...if only!) I will retroactively update on all that biz. Fingers crossed.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi there! Like you, I am attempting to get my first fantasy novel published and am blogging about it over at I'm still only in the first edit phase with my manuscript (at just under 50% complete), which I'll finish in mid-January.

    Like you I have a day job (IT business partner) and no certifications or degrees for writing; I just have my passion for it. I've been a "writer" in my own mind since age twelve, but I never followed through on projects. I don't know exactly what was different this time, but something stuck. Now I have a first draft (in the works of the second draft) of a manuscript. Even if I don't accomplish anything else with it, I wrote a book. Whether it's worth anything or not, I wrote a book.

    I hope that your agent-finding time is short and that you find a good match. I'm curious to know how you tackle the agent querying process. Spreadsheet with ratings? Query as you find them?

    Good luck to you!
