Monday, January 4, 2016

ANNNNNNNNNND We're Back! A New Year with New Resolutions!

Happy New Years to everybody! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and that for aspiring writers like myself, Santa left you a gift of representation by a sweet agent that'll throttle your manuscript through to the presses. For me, I still wait with bated breath as a few of my top prospects mull my manuscripts over..

After about thirty or so rejection letters, it starts to wear you down, starts to make you question if your writing is any good, and it starts to make you rethink your whole story/plot/characters. You can only get so many "Thank you so much for thinking of me for your query..." emails/letters back and it creates a minor identity crisis as a writer.

My #1 resolution, and I hope that if you're an aspiring author you will join with me in making it, is to get published THIS YEAR. No more putting it off. No matter what happens. Even if with tooth and nail I have to scrape by and put my book on Amazon and self-publish. I have already decided that 2016 is the year my book will be published. If you're like me, you want to share your story - that's why you wrote it I'm guessing, otherwise you would just keep it in your head and not put it on paper. We write to share, to transfer our literary worlds into the minds of others, because OUR worlds that we have created our just that good.

Consider this a self-affirmation blog post more than anything, but I hope you will make the resolution with me that 2016 will be the year. Sure there's an election, and sure there are some good movies, and maybe you'll be getting married/having kids/losing weight/etc... but if you are a passionate writer, there are few things that can compare to seeing your book on the shelves and in living black and white print.

For me, the greatest thing that could ever happen would be to pass someone on the street, or sit by someone on the bus, and without knowing it, they are reading my book, and they have a look on their face like they've found a hidden gem. 

So, no more excuses. Let's make 2016 the year our books get published!


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