There is absolutely nothing so refreshing in the world as finishing another work week, getting the kids to bed, letting the dog out, and THEN finally GETTING TO WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's amazing what a stress relief writing can be for the soul. Life's demands can be so taxing at times, I could never have imagined disconnecting from them by connecting on my computer and typing away. Throughout the day, I will be doing a root canal on somebody (these things take hours sometimes) and I'll find my mind wandering, thinking about plot lines, tangents, and characters that are born in my literary worlds. The moment stress hits, my escape pod to my created worlds saves me, so I can deal with another demand, another expectation.
Writing is healing.
As Voltaire said, "Writing is the painting of the voice." I feel it is a way for us to creatively have an output, when many of us writers have day jobs with common stresses, writing enables us to channel our emotions from the day, be it happiness, sadness, or shame. Our characters begin to reflect our personal lives, and each one, whether they be good or evil, have some part of us ingrained into them when they are born.
Writing is healthy.
This little infographic says it all (infographics.com)
That last part sums it up perfectly...writing gets you into a "zone," a place where you can unwind, meditate, and figure out life with its crazy twists and turns.
And that's why I love writing...no matter how many times agents reject me.
I don't write for agents of publishers. I write for myself.
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